"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Martin Luther King Jr

Lucinda H Milne Counselling Services. Blog

Why are Boundaries Important?

First thing to ask is what are boundaries? Boundaries allow us to determine what we are willing to accept. Establishing and maintaining our boundaries is crucial to our mental health and wellbeing. Our boundaries shape who we are and how we present ourselves…

Characteristics of Low Self-esteem

Depression / sadness Anxieties Low mood Avoidance of social situations Feelings of inadequacy Comparing self negatively to others Difficulty accepting compliments Neglect of own needs, particularly emotional ones Putting the needs of others before self Low expectations Difficulty in making / maintaining relationships…


This is something most of us feel at some point or another. We could be angry about being asked to stay late at work, complete extra tasks, not feel listened too or feel as though we are being treated unfairly to name but…


Do you wear masks? Think about your day, the person that gets out of bed and looks in the mirror, is this the same face/mask that is seen by your family, friends, colleagues? How would it feel to show the real you? Is…

Panic Attacks, what are They and how can They be Managed?

Panic attacks can come on for no apparent reason and at any time of the day or night. This can be a very frightening experience. These panic attacks are a form of anxiety, we all suffer from anxiety to different degrees, however, when…

The Pros and Cons of Technology on Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing.

Social media and the internet can be a fantastic resource for adults and children alike. However, to ensure that the mental health and emotional wellbeing of users is maintained we need to be aware of potential risks of using it and the rules…

Do you have a Critical Inner voice?

This can be a common trait for a lot of us, that little voice in our heads that decides that we will not achieve, we haven’t dressed the right way, we will not get through the interview, etc. This can stem from experiences…

Expectations and Self-Doubt

We can go through life setting expectations for ourselves and striving to achieve those set by others. This starts from a very early age, is the little one talking, walking, toilet trained, etc? the list goes on and the expectations keep coming! As…


We can all feel stressed at various points in our lives. This maybe because of work, family life or life experiences or indeed a combination of them all. How we deal with stress is very important. Stress can impact on us both physically…

Self -Care

Life is busy and we all prioritise different areas of our lives. One area that frequently that gets left behind and ignored is self-care. What is self-care and why does it matter? Self-care is about looking after you, giving yourself the nurturing time…